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Hola, soy Kelly!

"Our amazing model is a hand up not a handout. It’s a significant difference, and why I am proud to be associated with Habitat and with families working extremely hard to achieve their success."


Mi historia de hábitat

Working at Habitat for 13 years has taught me the importance of the simple things that translate into much bigger moments. For me, I will always remember the first time I was on a site and assisted with trusses being placed onto a home.

This simple act reflects the hard work and sweat equity that we all put into our shared goal of providing homes for people in need. Our amazing model is a hand up not a handout. It’s a significant difference, and why I am proud to be associated with Habitat and with families working extremely hard to achieve their success. 


Personal space: Motorcycling and traveling with my husband.


¿Tienes preguntas? Ponte en contacto conmigo aquí. Estaré encantado de ayudarte.

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